(217) 598-2255 village@sadorus.com

Sadorus Fire Protection District

During 2008, the Sadorus Fire Protection District completed this new 5-bay fire station and off-street parking area at 404 North West Street. It provides space for a future 2500-gallon fire tanker, which will eventually enable improvement in the District’s insurance rating, presently 8 in the Village and 9 in the country. The original 1914 Sadorus hand-operated fire pump can be seen between Engine 174, our attack pumper-tanker, and Truck 178, which is used for smaller field and structure fires. Engine 179, at the left, is the rescue pumper which carries rescue equipment such as auto-wreck extrication tools, as well as fire-fighting gear. The Arrow Ambulance is operated by District EMT volunteers.

The Sadorus Fire Protection District provides fire protection to property valued at more than $50 million, rescue services, and Intermediate Life Support ambulance services, to about 650 people, in a 40-square-mile area extending 10 miles from the Monticello Road to the south Champaign County line. The 12 District fire fighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are unpaid volunteers. The District has automatic joint response with the Ivesdale Fire Protection District, as well as mutual aid with fire districts and departments in Champaign and Piatt Counties. The District is governed by a 3-member Board of Trustees, one of whom is appointed/reappointed each year by the Chair of the County Board. The District is supported by grant money, as it can be obtained, by annual property tax revenue of about $60,000, and by occasional fund-raising projects.

Your firefighters and EMTs are always seeking willing new volunteers to share the work. If you can commit to the training requirements and respond to calls (pages), please contact Interim Chief Robert Russian at (217) 598-2525 for more information. Your commitment to service can help save the lives and property of your family and your neighbors.

Call 911

Emergency Phone Number

Village of Sadorus

P.O. Box 109
Sadorus, Illinois 61872

Phone (217) 598-2255
E-mail village@sadorus.com

Village Board Meetings

3rd Wed of every month
6:30 PM
Open to the public

115 East Market Street
Sadorus, Illinois 61872